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Importance of lesson planning
importance of lesson planning


A great deal of your effectiveness as a teacher has to do with your ability to design and implement instruction that promotes learning. A lesson plan, which is a detailed plan of the goals and activities for a particular class, is an important part of this process.

A lesson plan is the most specific kind of plan; it is a blueprint for a particular lesson, identifying its stages, indicating what students are expected to do, and giving approximate timings. Just like all other activities of daily life, we need to plan whatever we have to teach in the class. Lesson planning is not just the lesson you have to teach in the class. In addition to that, it is also the process of presenting the lesson before the class.

lesson planning book for teachers

There are many best lesson planning books in this world, based on the recommendation from the experts and millions of reader ratings. These books are listed as follows;

  • The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo

  • Reading in the Wild by Donalyn Miller

  • A teacher like a Champion 2.0 by Doug Lemov, Norman Atkins

  • The First Six Weeks of School by Responsive Classroom

  • Teacher Planner by Rockridge Press

  • The Growth Mindset Coach by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley

Steps in lesson planning

While developing lesson plans for each class may seem like an onerous burden at first, doing so is important because; the process of planning each lesson forces you to reflect on what you want to accomplish in each class and how best to do so. Planning helps you to control how class time is used and, as a result of reflection, use that time as productively as possible. Three main stages in lesson planning are given below:

  • Your goals, objectives, teaching methods, and assessment forms all come together in a lesson plan, which ideally facilitates student learning.

  • An effective lesson plan applies instructional methods to give the class variety and meet the needs of different learners,

  • Once you have finished the class, you should take the time to evaluate how effective the plane was and make any additions or revisions for future use

lesson planning cycle
lesson planning cycle

Benefits of lesson planning

There are many benefits of lesson planning which are described as follows;

  • It forces contemplation of goals and objectives, the selection of subject matter, the choice of procedure, the planning of activities, and the preparation of tests of progress.

  • It helps the teacher to remain focused.

  • It is essential for effective teaching. 

  • It helps the teacher to delimit the teaching field. 

  • It helped the teacher to be systematic and orderly.

  • It encourages proper consideration of the learning process and the choice of the appropriate learning procedure

  • It gives the teacher greater confidence, therefore, greater freedom in teaching.

Final thought

In short, the teacher should use every occasion to improve and become a real teacher. Without a lesson plan, they should never enter a classroom.


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