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Importance of writing skills
Importance of writing skills

Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing allows you to communicate your message with clarity and ease. Widdowson defines;

Writing is the act of making up the correct sentence and transmitting them through the visual medium as marks on paper.

Writing is one of the four language skills. It is the most difficult of the language abilities to acquire. It is the mechanical as well as the mental process.

College writing skills:

To be able to write the student must learn three skills;

  • Orthography

  • Syntax

  • Composition


In orthography, the student must be able to form letters and words this process is called orthography.


In syntax; a writer must be able to make meaningful sentences. This is called syntax.


In composition’ a writer must be able to convey the message by arranging those sentences into proper order. This process is called composition.

Goals of writing skills:

There are many goals of writing skills which are as follows;

  • A student must use capital for the start of each sentence and proper nouns.

  • Each sentence with a full stop or question mark.

  • Start a new line for direct speech.

  • Start a new paragraph for each new idea.

  • Use wow words to make your writing more interesting

  • Use a range of vocabulary synonyms.

  • Check spelling by using your dictionary.
Comparison between reading and writing skills:

There is a strong connection between reading and writing skills. If we want our students to become better readers, we need to allow them the opportunity to become better writers too. The language experts have tried to establish a comparison between reading and writing. With the help of reading skills, students make their efforts to improve their writing.
trategies will you put in place to improve writing skills:

he strategies of writing skills are as follows;

  • Write-down exercise

  • Grammar exercises

  • Composition exercises

1.Write down exercises:

In these exercises, the students see or listen to the text and record it. It is sun divided into too many types which are described as under:

  • Copying

  • Reordering

  • Reproduction

  • Dictation


It is also called transcription. The students look at the pages of the text and copy some words or sentences. It helps them in mastering the mechanizes of writing. It also improves their handwriting.


The students are given some sentences which are given some students which are not in order. They will be asked to arrange those sentences to make a meaningful text. This exercise will help them to learn about the relationship between different sentences.


The students are asked to read or listen to a particular text carefully. then they are asked to reproduce it in their language this exercise will help them to frame their sentences.


In this exercise, the teacher reads out a text at a suitable speed the students listen to him and write it down. This will also help them to recognize the relation between the sound and the symbol.

2.Grammar exercise:

These exercises help the students to learn the structure of sentences which is the basis of the composition.

  • Substitution

  • Completion

  • Combination

  •  Conversation

3.Composition exercises:

This s the expressive or creative aspect of writing. The students create sentences and link them or logically arrange them, this may include;

  • Letters and application

  • Paragraphs

  • Essays

  • Summarizing

letters and applications:

The students are taught the format of the letters then they are asked to write a letter to someone or an application to the headmaster or principal.


The students are asked to write about objects, persons, or places which they daily observe.


An essay is an enlarged form of a paragraph. The students work in small groups, make an outline and then write. These essays may be narrative, descriptive and expository.


In this exercise the student read a text and then rewrite it in a brief form in their language, this will help them in the free expression of ideas in a short form

Final thought:

To sum up, this discussion writing is a very difficult and complex process. It requires more effort and works in contrast with the other three skills.


  1. Impressive
    Can i ask 1 Question ??

  2. I'm a 2nd Year Student how can i Improve My Writing Skills ???

  3. Make sure you are clear on the concept you are writing about
    If your message is complex then outline it
    And most important do not over explain everything


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