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what is microteaching
what is microteaching

Microteaching is a new concept in the field of education technology. It is called ''micro'' (very small) because;

  • One skill at a time is taught

  • Teaching duration is 7-10 minutes

  • Number of students is 5-10

Micro-teaching is not a teaching method. It is a teacher training program based on self-assessment. The purpose of this program is

''to improve teaching skills by self-practice and self-criticism.''

This method has been used for many years in in-service teacher training courses. It practices and developed specific teaching skills. It is now considered a very effective teacher training technique at the pre-service and in-service levels. In other words,

''Micro-teaching is a procedure in which pupil-teacher practices teaching with a reduced number of pupils in specific skills.''
what is microteaching

The cycle of micro-teaching
cycle of micro-teaching

What are the steps of micro-teaching

A teacher presents a short lesson, after the lesson teaching, a discussion is held on the performance of the student-teacher. In general, the following steps takes place

  • Confidence of the teacher

  • How he starts teaching

  • Students involvement

  • Step vise teaching

  • Use of audio-visual aids

  • Feedback at the spot

The participants offer their opinions as follows

  • Plus, points are appreciated

  • Minus points are singled out

  • Suggestions for improvement are to give

Advantage and disadvantages of micro-teaching


  • Individualized teaching

  • Real teaching takes place

  • The practice of specific task

  • Helps in developing teaching skills

  • lessen complexities of the classroom teaching


  • The main emphasis is on learning teaching skills, not content.

  • The scope of micro-teaching is narrow.

  • lack of resources

  • lack of experts

  • Not real teaching

The objective of micro-teaching

  • Micro-teaching can initiate the teacher trainees to develop teacher’s behavior under laboratory condition.

  • Microteaching can lessen the workload of peer supervision.

  • Microteaching develops small group instruction skills and pupils thinking to reason, problem-solving creativity, and self-direction.

  • It also makes teachers conscious of developing their skills and strategies to understand their teaching.

  • Microteaching helps teachers to understand the process of teaching and learning.

  • It provides teachers with ample opportunities to explore styles to acquire new teaching skills.

Final thought:

Some people argue that micro-teaching is both a risky and costly procedure. It is because trainees may be exposed to criticism by their colleagues or supervisors. These are also cost involved in both the resources and time that may be used in this process.


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