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Showing posts from December, 2021

Chomsky theory of language acquisition

Chomsky theory of language acquisition     The marvelous capacity that every individual has been the subject of investigation for centuries. The two important theories put forward in the study of first language acquisition are, Behavioristic theory Innate theory The behavioristic theory has been presented by ''B.F Skinner'' in his classic work ''Verbal Behavior'' and the Innate theory given by ''Chomsky''. Background of the theory The behavioristic theory was first introduced in 1913 by the American psychologist ''John B. Watson''. Watson is credited with coining the term behaviorism. Watson's view was largely influenced by the research of Russian psychologist ''Ivan P. Pavlov'' during the early 1900s. The most influential version of this theory is put forward by ''B.F Skinner'' in 1957. His version of behaviorism is best known as ''Radical Behaviorism''. Ty...

why is classroom management important

  why is classroom management important Classroom management is one of the two major responsibilities of a teacher. The other responsibility is instruction. Classroom management and management of student conduct are skills that teachers should acquire. To be sure, effective teaching requires considerable skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day. Skills such as effective classroom management are central to teaching and require common sense, consistency, a sense of fairness, and courage. These skills also require that teachers in more than one way the psychological management is only acquired with practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. An effective teacher is not only a master of his subject but also a master of classroom situations. The teacher as management expert of the class adopts strategies to manage it Component of classroom management There are three components of classroom management which are described...

Importance of lesson planning

importance of lesson planning   A great deal of your effectiveness as a teacher has to do with your ability to design and implement instruction that promotes learning. A lesson plan, which is a detailed plan of the goals and activities for a particular class, is an important part of this process. A lesson plan is the most specific kind of plan; it is a blueprint for a particular lesson, identifying its stages, indicating what students are expected to do, and giving approximate timings. Just like all other activities of daily life, we need to plan whatever we have to teach in the class. Lesson planning is not just the lesson you have to teach in the class. In addition to that, it is also the process of presenting the lesson before the class. lesson planning book for teachers There are many best lesson planning books in this world, based on the recommendation from the experts and millions of reader ratings. These books are listed as follows; The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Se...

what is microteaching

what is microteaching Microteaching is a new concept in the field of education technology. It is called ''micro'' (very small) because; One skill at a time is taught Teaching duration is 7-10 minutes Number of students is 5-10 Micro-teaching is not a teaching method. It is a teacher training program based on self-assessment. The purpose of this program is ''to improve teaching skills by self-practice and self-criticism.'' This method has been used for many years in in-service teacher training courses. It practices and developed specific teaching skills. It is now considered a very effective teacher training technique at the pre-service and in-service levels. In other words, ''Micro-teaching is a procedure in which pupil-teacher practices teaching with a reduced number of pupils in specific skills.'' what is microteaching The cycle of micro-teaching cycle of micro-teaching What are the steps of micro-teaching A teacher presents a short les...

what are reading skills

what are reading skills Reading is one of the language skills. The two main aims of reading are information and pleasure. It is of great value and importance. The most acceptable definition of reading is The process by which we make sense of the text. In simple words, reading means;  looking at the written word and understanding the message.   In this sense, it consists of two steps; Recognizing the letters of the alphabet and comprehension. At the higher stage comprehension is the most important aspect of reading. How to teach reading? In the classroom, a teacher has to teach the textbook intensively. For the promotion of the reading skill of the students, he adopts certain techniques and teaches the lesson in stages. According to Eddie Williams, a teacher should adopt the three-phase approach to teaching reading Pre-reading activities While reading activities Post-reading activities Types of reading skill When we read something, we usually read for a particular purpose. In ...

what is listening

what is listening We hear what is said whether we wish or not. This we cannot call listening. When we listen, we engage our mind actively? There is an element of choice in listening. So there is a difference between listening and hearing. As a term in language teaching, listening means;   lending an ear to the spoken word with a purpose to understand the message. It is paying conscious attention to whatever is said. When our teacher speaks English in the class, most of the students can understand him. The reason is his pace and style being are usually slow. When they come across language spoken fluently without any pauses, they find it difficult to understand. Listening is a very complicated internal process. In this, our ears and mind are solved. When a person is listening to someone, something occurs in his mind. But the psychologist is not sure what happens in mind. Importance of listening: According to ''Rivers and Temperley''; The time that adult spends in commun...

Importance of speaking skills

Importance of speaking skills ''Speaking means conveying the message through words of mouth.'' We speak when we want to express our ideas, desires and to establish social relationships. This skill is also called'' Oral skill'' or'' Communication skill''. This is very often neglected in our schools. Most of the students cannot speak English with each other. They feel shy; they are afraid of committing mistakes. The classes are so large that every student cannot get a chance to speak. To develop this skill, the students need  practice. Speaking practice is usually done in pairs and groups. Speaking skills in communication: To develop speaking skills different types of exercises may be used in the classroom. as listening and speaking go side by side, there should be at least two persons for communication. For an effective practice of speaking it is better than the students should speak to each other independently. They may be asked to talk a...

Importance of writing skills

Importance of writing skills Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing allows you to communicate your message with clarity and ease. Widdowson defines; Writing is the act of making up the correct sentence and transmitting them through the visual medium as marks on paper. Writing is one of the four language skills. It is the most difficult of the language abilities to acquire. It is the mechanical as well as the mental process. College writing skills: To be able to write the student must learn three skills; Orthography Syntax Composition 1.Orthography: In orthography, the student must be able to form letters and words this process is called orthography. 2.Syntax: In syntax; a writer must be able to make meaningful sentences. This is called syntax. 3.Composition: In composition’ a writer must be able to convey the message by arranging those sentences into proper order. This process is called composition. Goals of writing skills: There are many goals of writing ...

Why teaching poetry is so important

Why teaching poetry is so important Beauty as it is often said cannot be bound by words. But the fact of the truth remains that beauty can easily be uncaptured in words. ''The term poetry'' is derived from the Greek word''creator ''that can be defined as; ''Any metrical writing or composition is called poetry.'' Poetry is the oldest genre of English literature. Infect, it is the beauty of literature by appealing to the aesthetic sense, the poem leaves the readers in a state of long-lasting bliss. Poems create beauty through rhythm, sounds, and thoughts. ''William Wordsworth ''calls poetry as; ''The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions recollected in tranquility.'' As ''S.T Coleridge'' has very beautifully defined poetry as; ''Best words in best orders.'' Poetry is also to some extent an evaluate term. The fundamental aim of teaching poetry is to give the le...

What is the importance of drama in English literature?

What is the importance of drama in English literature?   The word ‘’drama’ ’ is derived from the Greek word ‘’Drau’’ which means ‘ ’to show’’ or’’ to draw’’ . It is defined as: ‘’An exciting emotional and unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.’’ Drama is the best genre to express human feelings. It is a literary composition involving conflict, action, and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on the stage before the audience. It is an old methodology of teaching and preaching ideas. There are two kinds of drama Open drama close drama Open drama: open drama is a type of drama that is written to perform on the stage for a purpose. Close drama: Close drama is a type of drama that is written to enjoy for reading. With time, it has become a very powerful medium of almost all issues of psychological, emotional, moral, intellectual, and social problems. examples of drama: Importance of drama in education: drama has great importance in education. Thus, we can say ...